Website Terms and Conditions of Use

1. General

You should read these terms and conditions of use (Terms) carefully.

In these Terms: 

(i) “GMSV”, "We", "Our" or "Us" means General Motors Australia and New Zealand Pty Ltd; and (ii) "You" or "Your" means the person who accepts these Terms. 

By accessing or otherwise using Our websites (other than to read these Terms for the first time), You agree to be bound by these Terms and You acknowledge that GMSV provides its websites to You subject to these Terms.

Any personal information We collect about You via Our websites, will only be used and disclosed by GMSV in accordance with Our Privacy Policy (

You may contact GMSV at  or on 1800 004 678 (AU) or 0800 467 800 (NZ) if You have any queries about these Terms or to provide Us with any information or to discuss any of the services We offer.

2. Use of Our websites

You are responsible for all of Your activity in connection with accessing and using Our websites. You must not use Our websites for any activities that breach any laws, infringe any party’s rights or breach any standards, content requirements or codes promulgated by any relevant authority. You must not distribute through Our websites any inappropriate communication or any virus or other disabling code in any form.

Where access to restricted parts of Our websites is subject to more specific terms, those terms apply in addition to these Terms.

You must not bypass any security mechanisms imposed by Our websites, or tamper with, hinder the operation of or make unauthorised access or modifications to Our websites.

3. Intellectual property rights

Unless otherwise indicated GMSV owns or are licensed to use all intellectual property (including without limitation copyright, trade mark and designs) subsisting in the materials on this website. 

Our websites are protected under the copyright laws of Australia and other countries. 

You may access and display these pages on a computer or a monitor, and print out for Your own personal or internal business use any page or part of any page of GMSV's websites. However, no part of GMSV's websites may be reproduced without Our express written permission. GMSV shall enforce its rights concerning its websites in the event of any interference, infringement or contravention of GMSV's rights, title or interests in any aspect of its website. Unless otherwise specified, no person has permission to download, display, post, record, "mirror", duplicate, copy, retransmit, redistribute, commercially exploit, reproduce, republish or otherwise use in a way which will infringe Our intellectual property rights, any part or aspect of GMSV’s websites in any form, or any information found in GMSV’s websites, by any means whatsoever, whether by electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying, photographic means or otherwise. 

The symbols ® and TM designate Australian registered trade-marks and unregistered trade-marks respectively. GMSV and its parent company, General Motors Company ("GMC"), have additional trade-marks and service marks, registered and unregistered, in other countries. Nothing on GMSV's websites shall be construed as conferring any license under any of GMSV's or GMC's or any other person's intellectual property rights, whether expressly, by interference, by implication, or otherwise. Materials may not be copied or re-broadcast or redistributed or disseminated in any way without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of that material. 

4. Disclaimer

GMSV do not warrant that access to our websites will be uninterrupted, or that the services and features offered on our websites will be error-free.

GMSV reserves the right to and is entitled to change, modify, amend, add or remove any part of these Terms and to change, modify, amend, add or delete any features of its websites, the availability of its websites and the software required to access them, at any time without notice.

Your continued use of GMSV's websites after the Terms have been varied, constitutes Your acknowledgment that You accept the changes to the Terms and that You agree to be bound by the varied Terms.

Subject to the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or similar applicable legislation which cannot be excluded or limited by GMSV, GMSV's websites are provided without any representation, warranty, guarantee or condition, express or implied. GMSV's websites are intended as general information only and are not complete or definitive. GMSV does not provide any warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the information on GMSV's websites. GMSV is not liable and does not take any responsibility whatsoever for reliance on such information.  The use of this Website is at Your own risk.  Information may change without notice.  Before relying on any information on this Website, You should first verify the accuracy of the information and its relevance to Your circumstances.

GMSV recommends that you verify information on which you intend to rely with Us by contacting us on  or on 1800 004 678 (AU) or 0800 467 800 (NZ).

Some of the images, features and specifications provided on Our websites may be American or European and reflect a vehicles characteristics under controlled conditions conducted overseas. This information is provided for general information and guidance purposes only.

GMSV's websites may contain links to other websites maintained by other organisations. GMSV has no affiliation with those websites, does not endorse any material on those websites, is not responsible for the privacy practices of those websites, and does not provide any warranty, or assume any responsibility, regarding the quality, accuracy, source, merchantability, fitness for purpose or any other aspect of the material on those websites.

5. Limitation of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law,  GMSV excludes all liability for any direct or indirect loss, damage, harm, liability, cost, expense or injury (including without limitation consequential loss or damage, loss of profit or anticipated profit, loss of data, loss of use, damage to goodwill or reputation and loss due to delay) however caused but excluding where GMSV have acted fraudulently or negligently) which may be suffered or incurred or which may arise from or in connection with Your use of GMSV's websites (including without limitation accessing, copying or downloading any part of GMSV's websites' content), or Your use of or reliance on any of the information, services and/or materials contained in GMSV's websites..

6. Your security

GMSV takes reasonable steps to protect the information that You transmit using Our websites.  However, GMSV cannot guarantee the security of any information that You transmit to us using Our websites.  Therefore, any information You transmit using Our websites is transmitted at Your own risk.  When using this Website, You must take precautions to ensure that You are not exposed to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage Your own computer system. GMSV do not accept responsibility for any such interference or damage to Your systems which arises in connection with Your use of Our websites.

GMSV's websites use a security device known as a Secure Socket Layer ("SSL"). This conforms to international standards and ensures that information passed to and from our websites cannot be viewed in transit. We strongly recommend You use this feature. You can tell if You are using the SSL by the appearance of a small padlock in the bottom status bar or on Your browser. The address in Your browser should start with https:// and not the usual http://. We do not represent or warrant that GMSV's websites and any other information or material contained in, downloaded or accessible from such websites, is free from computer viruses (including macro viruses) or any other defect or error which may affect Your software or systems. You should protect Your software and systems by installing and implementing Your own security checks and systems. 

7. Cookies

GMSV's websites use a feature of Your Internet browser called a "cookie" to manage security and store report parameter information. If Your browser does not support cookies, or You have disabled this functionality, You may be unable to use Our websites or certain functionality of our websites.

8. General

If any provision of these Terms is found to be void, unlawful or unenforceable for any reason, then that portion of the provision which creates the invalidity, unlawfulness or unenforceability will be severable from these Terms and will not otherwise affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

To the extent permitted by law, we may change these Terms at any time.  Please check these Terms at regular intervals for any changes.  In the case of any breach of these Terms, we reserve the right to seek all remedies available at law or in equity.

9. Governing Law

The law of Victoria governs these Terms, and You and We submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Victoria and the Federal Court of Australia.